Food Not Bombs St. Cloud Mission Statement
FNBSC seeks to increase
the atmosphere of kindness and concern in the city of St. Cloud.
To this end it assembles
here some concerns and the means which it has been taking and will take in the
future to address those concerns.
-FNBSC is concerned about
the amount of healthy and nutritious food that is going to waste in St. Cloud.
In a world with limited resources and terrible inequalities in distribution we
would like to see St. Cloud moving in
the direction of producing only what it needs.
-FNBSC is concerned that
not everyone in St. Cloud can afford to make the economic and social commitment
to eating healthy food. By healthy food, we mean a lot of things, but most
broadly, this includes vegetarian and organic options. Our concept of health is
not limited to the individual consuming the food but includes our cousins the
animals and the earth we walk on and breathe.
-FNBSC is concerned that many of the institutions that provide free
food in St. Cloud, that is, food that is offered to any and everyone who shows
up, free of judgment, do not do so with a concern for environmental and
individual health. Some of these need to fill a quota for “mouths fed” or “bodies
housed” in order to keep monetary funding coming, which tends to compromise
ideals and quality.
-FNBSC is concerned that
the Salvation Army does not serve on weekends and that many of the food and
service distribution locations are concentrated in a small area on the East
side of the river.
-FNBSC is concerned that participation
in the customary legal channels would compromise our convictions as non-violent
individuals, peacefully assembling. Complying with health codes and filing for
non-profit status represents to us a level of involvement with an overly
militarized and corporate controlled government that we, a group seeking to
promote peace and health, do not wish to assume.
-FNBSC is concerned that conventional “feeds” reinforce a separateness and superiority distinction between food distributors and those who are eating the food by means of uniforms and attitudes and not eating together. o:p>
For these reasons and
others, FNBSC intends to round up as much food that we ourselves would eat as
possible, prepare it in a good way, and serve it in public. We in the
organization are concerned about our own diets and their effect on the planet-most
of us are vegetarians or vegans and buy strictly organic produce-and we can’t see
any reason why we would feed someone else something we ourselves would not eat
We strive to make the
fact of this public offering as widely known in the community as we can, by
flyering and solicitation of media
When distributing this food, we will bring
our own dishes and silverware for everyone to use and wash them ourselves
afterwards. We will attempt to put all our fliers on backs of one-side-used
paper. We will make our photocopies at the locally-owned copy shop. We will
transport the food from place to place via bike cart, and attempt to minimize
our use of fossil fuels. In short, our operations will be permeated with a
consciousness of concern, and we will strive to go beyond what we do already.
For the time being we have committed
ourselves to serve at Lake George every Sunday. We recognize the importance of
establishing a regular time and location in order to increase participation
rate in the long run. But FNBSC need not be limited to this time and location.
At FNBSC we all eat together: cooks, hobos, grandmas, drunks, college kids, gutter punks, hippies. We talk too. Not infrequently, our conversation winds up being about making healthy food choices. FNBSC operates on the assumption that by putting a level of work into sharing and kindness with leftover food that we can best communicate and co-evolve a better, healthier environmental and social consciousness in St. Cloud.